Quatre uppercuts
Prix de la nouvelle de l'Académie française 2008
Dans «Le Rire des Gitans», où s'amorce la fulgurante série de portraits qui illumine tout le livre, le véritable héros est le public qui au bout du compte assène un coup des plus cruels. Suit «Roi des Lions» qui voit l'écrivain s'attacher à un bien étrange champion de France. Enchaînement naturel, «Joe» s'apparente à une longue séance de boxing-shadow entre le narrateur et le champion sedanais Joe Siluvangi, exercice au cours duquel Patrice Lelorain revisite le noble art, et se perd dans la cité ardennaise pour mieux se retrouver dans un finale éblouissant. «Quatre uppercuts» clôt le livre comme une épure où ne subsiste plus que la danse entre un geste et le destin, qui fuit, embrasse, châtie... ou tue.
- Vermillon
- Paru le 03/01/2008
- Genre : Littérature française
- 144 pages - 140 x 205 mm
- EAN : 9782710329893
- ISBN : 9782710329893
Foreign Rights
Quatre uppercuts
All rights available
Four texts in which the author embraces fifteen years of boxing in a passionate hug shaken by tender bursts and fiendish spasms. In "The Gypsies Laugh", that opens the brilliant range of portraits illuminating the entire book, the leading role is granted to the spectators who in the end deal an extremely cruel blow. Next comes "The King of the Lions" where the writer grows fond of quite a strange champion of France. A natural transition, "Joe" sounds like a long session of shadow boxing between the narrator and the French champion Joe Siluvangi. During this exercise, Patrice Lelorain explores the noble art, wandering in the boxer’s town where he eventually finds himself in a dazzling finale. "Quatre uppercuts" brings this collection of short stories to an end in a ballet between blows and fate, fate that runs away, gives a kiss then punishes or… kills.
Born in 1955, Patrice Lelorain spent his childhood in the Parisian suburb Bois-Colombes, where he developed a love for sport.
Dishwasher, waiter, bellboy and a workman, he travelled through Europe before devoting himself to cinema. From 1985 to 1986 he contributed to the last issues of the review of Cinematography. After having written La Légende de Muhammed Ali (Denoël, 1989, La Petite Vermillon, 2008), he came to the belief that literature would allow him to embody his own universe. After Quick-sandwich (Calmann-Lévy, 1991), he bought chronicles back into fashion with his third work Paris Section-Urbaine (La Différence, 1996). He wrote for the Parisian supplement of the Nouvel Observateur using this same title from 2000 until 2003. He is the author of Colères (Verticales, 2000), Off (Climats, 2001), Saccages (Le Rocher, 2002), Adieux (Liana Levi, 2004) and Revenants (La Table Ronde, 2011).
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