L'idiot du palais
Lorsque le Prince débarque sans préavis des États-Unis, Dušan endosse un nouveau rôle. Le «docteur» Élias, âme damnée des lieux, lui confie la mission délicate de pourvoir aux fantasmes du Prince. C’est ainsi qu’il recrute Khadija sur les boulevards extérieurs. Il ne sait pas qu’en la ramenant au Palais il va signer sa propre perte. Et retrouver le goût de la liberté.
- Vermillon
- Paru le 21/08/2014
- Genre : Littérature française
- 144 pages - 140 x 205 mm
- EAN : 9782710372547
- ISBN : 9782710372547
Foreign Rights
L'Idiot du palais
All rights available
It is a golden prison called the Palace in the posh districts of Paris. A prison where hatred, money and women flow freely. Dušan, who comes from Serbia, has just been hired as a security guard on the Princess’s service. Only playing a walk-on part in a farce that blends protocol and whims, he spends most of its time waiting, condemned to be on the alert.
One day, the Prince arrives unannounced from the United States: as usual, the multitude of butlers, servants, maids, cooks and bodyguards set in motion under the iron rule of the indendancy. Dušan must assume a role: he has been assigned a special mission by “doctor” Elias, damned soul of the Palace: he must cater to the Prince’s fantasies. That’s how he recruits Khadija on the outer ring road around Paris. He does not know that by taking her to the Palace, he will sign his own loss and rediscover the taste of freedom.
Born in Mayenne in 1972, Bruno Deniel-Laurent lives in Angers. Chief Editor of Cancer! magazine, Contributor of Schnock and La Revue des Deux Mondes, he is the author of a literary essay on his native province, L’Anjou en toutes lettres (Siloë, 2011) and Éloge des phénomènes (Max Milo, 2014). In addition, he co-directed Cham, a documentary film about the genocide of Muslims in Cambodia and directed On achève bien des livres (Fiction Pulp), a cinematographic essay to the pestle.
“Bruno Deniel-Laurent skillfully blends suspens with an immersion in a fascinating an terrifying world.” Livres Hebdo
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