Les enfants du Bon Dieu

Nouvelle édition en 2016

    • Préface : Alain Cresciucci
«Là où nous habitons, les avenues sont profondes et calmes comme des allées de cimetière. Les chemins qui conduisent de l'École militaire aux Invalides semblent s'ouvrir sur des funérailles nationales. Un trottoir à l'ombre, l'autre au soleil, ils s'en vont entre leurs platanes pétrifiés, devant deux rangées de façades contenues, sans une boutique, sans un cri.»

La célébrité d'Antoine Blondin (1922-1991), journaliste sportif chantre du Tour de France des années 50 aux années 80, a parfois éclipsé le romancier, dont on ne retient qu'Un singe en hiver, grâce au (ou à cause du) film qui en fut tiré. La réédition des Enfants du bon Dieu, son second roman, montre qu'il n'était pas l'homme d'un seul livre.
  • La petite vermillon (n° 268)
  • Paru le 19/05/2016
  • Genres : Littérature française - La Petite Vermillon
  • 272 pages - 108 x 178 mm
  • EAN : 9782710380085
  • ISBN : 9782710380085

Foreign Rights

Les Enfants du bon Dieu

All rights available


“Here where we live, the avenues are wide and calm like cemetery roads. The paths that lead from Ecole Militaire to Invalides seem to open on to state funerals. One sidewalk in the shade, the other in the sun, they disappear between their petrified plantain trees, in front of two rows of contained facades – without a single shop or shout.” – Antoine Blondin

The only child of Bohemian parents, Antoine Blondin found fame upon the publication of his first book. Alternating between journalism – he was the Bard of the Tour de France between 1950 and 1980 – and literature, this light traveler left behind five novels, all published by La Table Ronde.

With his first novel, L’Europe buissonnière, Antoine Blondin caught the attention of writers like Marcel Aymé and Roger Nimier who soon became his friends. His following novels confirmed his writing talent and the uniqueness of his style situated between Stendhal and Jules Renard.

He evoked the passion for alcohol in Un singe en hiver (Prix Interallié, 1959), which has been adapted for the screen and performed by Jean Gabin and Jean-Paul Belmondo. In the years following its publication, it has been translated in the United States, England, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Yugoslavia. Today, the translation rights for these countries are available again.

"Immortal Antoine Blondin.”  L’Opinion Indépendante

“Antoine Blondin’s books are aging like old forgotten liquors. They are admirable, and poignant. ” Le Figaro Littéraire

“Blondin was a slave to what he admired ; he could feel others’ feelings as his own and exalt them in the most brilliant writings. ” Le Magazine Littéraire

“The extravagant and sensitive author of Un singe en hiver hasn’t lost any of its flavor." Le Point

If you are interested in publishing one of our books or wish to receive further information, you can contact:
Anna Vateva, Foreign Rights : + 33 1 40 46 71 02

> See all our catalog, here.

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