Pierre Rabhi
Le chant de la terre
Nouvelle édition revue et augmentée par Anne-Sophie Novel
«De ses propres mains, écrit son ami Yehudi Menuhin, Pierre Rabhi a transmis la vie au sable du désert, car la vie est une, et la féconde transformation bactérienne rend au sable lui-même le don de pouvoir renouveler les espèces. Cet homme très simplement saint, d'un esprit net et clair, dont la beauté poétique du langage révèle une ardente passion, cet homme a fécondé des terres poussiéreuses avec sa sueur, par un travail qui rétablit la chaîne de vie que nous interrompons continuellement.»
Jean-Pierre et Rachel Cartier donnent ici plus qu'un portrait de Pierre Rabhi, ils le font parler. Et sa parole est le chant de la Terre. L'actualisation de cet ouvrage par Anne-Sophie Novel, journaliste spécialiste du développement durable, permet de mesurer l'engagement citoyen de Pierre Rabhi, d'appréhender sa vie d'homme public, son expérience en politique, et de saisir toute la portée de son cheminement spirituel.
- Hors collection
- Paru le 25/10/2012
- Genre : Essais et documents
- 256 pages - 140 x 205 mm
- EAN : 9782710369769
- ISBN : 9782710369769
Foreign Rights
Pierre Rabhi. Le chant de la terre
All rights available
Pierre Rabhi is one of the most influential ecologists in France. In 2002, when he isn’t well known yet, Rachel and Jean-Pierre Cartier write a book on him. They recount the life of this man born in the south of Algeria in 1938. Adopted by a French family after his mother passed away, he becomes worker in Paris before settling in Ardèche in 1960.
It’s in the south of France that he discovers the biological and ecological agriculture. In his farm at the village of Monchamp, he becomes the pioneer of the agroecology – a type of culture which aims to reduce the quantity of fertilizer and pesticides in order to preserve the quality of the grounds and the productions. During the 1980, he shares his experience in Burkina Faso, Mali, Negeria, Marocco and Tunisia, creating the non-profit organisation Terre et Humanisme that keeps defending his approach until today. Considered as an expert on food security and fight angainst the desertification, he participates to different projects some of wich under the aegis of the UN.
The Movement for the earth and the humanism Colibris, founded in 2007 to promote Pierre Rabhi’s humanist view, counts today several tens of thousands of members.
The reissue of this book was hence essential. Enhanced with several chapters written by Anne-Sophie Novel, Le chant de la terre traces Pierre Rabhi’s life which is a source of inspiration for many people.
Great travellers and experts on religions, Rachel and Jean-Pierre Cartier have published together seven titles at La Table Ronde.
Independant journalist specialised in ecology, Anne-Sophie Novel is the author of Vive la Corévolution (Alternatives, 2012).
If you are interested in publishing one of our books or wish to receive further information, you can contact:
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