L'illusion politique

Nouvelle édition en 2018

    • Préface : Daniel Compagnon
Dans la société occidentale, le verbalisme politique exprime une double illusion, en même temps qu'il lui donne naissance. Nous assistons au développement de l'illusion de l'homme politique qui croit maîtriser la machine de l'État, qui croit prendre des décisions politiques toujours efficaces, alors qu'il se trouve de plus en plus impuissant en face de la rigueur croissante des appareils étatiques.
Or, cette impuissance de l'homme politique est voilée précisément par la puissance et l'efficacité des moyens d'action de l'État qui interviennent toujours plus profondément et exactement dans la vie de la nation, et dans celle des citoyens. Mais l'homme politique, fût-il dictateur, n'a finalement aucune maîtrise de ces moyens. Réciproquement, paraît l'illusion du citoyen, qui, vivant encore sur l'idéologie de la souveraineté populaire et des constitutions démocratiques, croit pouvoir contrôler la politique, l'orienter, participer à la fonction politique, alors que tout au plus il peut contrôler des hommes politiques sans pouvoir réel – et s'engage, sur cette double illusion, un dialogue d'impuissants.
Dans cette difficile situation, n'y a-t-il aucun remède? S'il en existait un, il serait, en tout cas, à la fois humble et héroïque.
  • La petite vermillon (n° 214)
  • Paru le 07/06/2018
  • Genres : Essais et documents - La Petite Vermillon
  • 368 pages - 108 x 178 mm
  • EAN : 9782710388241
  • ISBN : 9782710388241

Foreign Rights

The Political Illusion

Rights sold
Greece (Nissides)
Korea (Daejanggan)
USA (Wipf & Stock)


In this book, Jacques Ellul examines modern man's passion for politics, the roles he plays in them, and his place in the modern state. He holds that everything having now been "politized," anything not directly political fails to arouse widespread interest among contemporary men - and in fact might be said not to exist. He shows that political activity is now a kaleidoscope of interlocking illusions, among which the most basic and damaging are those of popular participation in government, popular control of elected and other officials, and popular solution of public problems. This domination by the political illusion, Ellul demonstrates, explains why men now turn to the state for the solution of all problems - most of them problems that the state could not solve if it tried.

This close-reasoned, brilliant diagnosis and prognosis is, like Jacques Ellul's earlier books, an alarming analysis of present-day life.

After a revelation that led him to Christianity and an intensive reading of Marx, Jacques Ellul studied law. He then devoted himself to reflection on the evolution of modern society. He noted the disappearance of rural life and the mechanization of man’s environment. He foresaw the magnitude of this ecological and social “great mutation”.

Considering that technique is the determining factor of modern society, he leads a critique of what he calls “technological tyranny”. He further analyses that technique self-increases, imposing its values of efficiency and technical progress, while denying man’s needs  and  culture as well as the nature.

Sociology is not his only field. His work is composed of theologian and historian output.  Some would also say that he is a philosopher, although he did not define himself as such. 

As a militant anarchist whose ideas are close to situationism, but also as a subtle commentator of Marxist thought and excesses, he was instrumental in the establishment of political ecology and reflections on Christian anarchism. He also wrote many theological works on the Gospel’s subversive and liberating aspects and on the “perversion” which the Christian revelation has suffered from. Some of his other works are thoughts on ethics and on hope.

Jacques Ellul can be considered as one of the fathers of the idea of rational economic decay and voluntary simplicity.

“Jacques Ellul, a true thinker” Royaliste

“A kind of clairvoyant who had already predict everything” Réforme

“His writings remained fiery, the prophet’s voice still resonates” La Croix

If you are interested in publishing one of our books or wish to receive further information, you can contact:
Anna Vateva, Foreign Rights : + 33 1 40 46 71 02

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