Le lynchage aux États-Unis
Aux États-Unis, le racisme ne se cantonne pas aux ghettos urbains. Dans le Sud profond, il ressurgit parfois, avec une violence qu'on voulait croire oubliée.
Précis dans ses références, pointu dans ses analyses, effrayant dans ses descriptions, cet essai s'appuie sur les publications récentes d'historiens américains : jusque dans les années 1990, le lynchage était un sujet tabou. En France, c'est le premier livre qui lui est consacré.
- Hors collection
- Paru le 03/04/2008
- Genre : Essais et documents
- 352 pages - 145 x 225 mm
- EAN : 9782710329510
- ISBN : 9782710329510
Foreign Rights
The Lynching in the USA
Rights sold
Czech Republic (Pràh)
In August 2006, in the school yard of a small american town Jena, in Louisiana, black students chose to sit under a tree "traditionally reserved to white students". The next day, white students hung ropes on the tree, an image that conjured up sinister memories of Klu Klux Klan activities. The affair provoked troubles and brought the two communities back to back. In this book, which recounts the history of lynching in the south of the United States, from 1900’s to nowadays, Joël Michel throws light on the recent racial conflicts. He shows why and how, despite economic progress and the civil rights movements, the coexistence between black and white people, in the remote and rural regions of the United States, keeps engendering tensions that could grow extremely violent. Precise in his references, accurate in his analyses, frightening in his descriptions, this document relies on recent research work and publications. Lynching, in the United States, remained a taboo until the 1990’s. In France, Joël Michel is the first historian to have tackled the subject.
A graduate of L’École normale, Joël Michel is a specialist of european history but also familiar with the United States where he lived several years. He is the author of a biography of Condolezza Rice published by La Table Ronde in 2006.
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