La lutte avec l'Ange
Admirateur du commissaire Maigret, Jean-Paul Kauffmann a enquêté sur cette peinture et sur cette église, s'attachant surtout à en explorer la face cachée. Il a cherché des indices dans un bar de Dieppe, un château du Quercy, un village de l'Argonne, un chêne de la forêt de Sénart, un terrain de golf du Loiret. Il a suivi à la trace un critique d'art, une conférencière du Louvre, un sculpteur qui a établi son atelier dans les combles de Saint-Sulpice. Tous ces fils entrecroisés finissent par composer un motif central dont l'auteur n'est pas absent.
La Lutte avec l'Ange est un livre sur l'origine, la trace, le Mal. Tout homme lutte fatalement un jour avec l'ange. Mais comment identifier le moment de vérité?
- Vermillon
- Paru le 21/02/2001
- Genre : Essais et documents
- 270 pages - 140 x 205 mm
- EAN : 9782710323891
- ISBN : 2710323893
Foreign Rights
The Struggle With The Angel
Rights sold
Korea (Bookmaru Korea)
Romania (Humanitas)
UK (Random House)
Near the end of his life, the great Romantic artist Eugène Delacroix painted one of the most enigmatic episodes from the Bible: Jacob wrestling with the angel. This painting, which decorates the wall of the Chapel of the Holy Angels in the Paris church of Saint-Sulpice, is Delacroix's "spiritual testament". But Saint-Sulpice is a mysterious church where everything happens behind the scenes. A fan of Inspector Maigret, Jean-Paul Kauffmann investigates the painting and the church, paying particular attention to its hidden history. He searches for clues in a bar in Dieppe, a castle in Quercy, a village in the Argonne, an oak tree in the forest at Sénart, even a golf course in the Loiret. The trail leads him to an art critic, a lecturer at the Louvre, and a sculptor who has a studio in the attic of Saint-Sulpice itself. All these intertwining threads finally come together in a central motif in which Kauffmann himself is involved. There comes a time in which everyone must wrestle with the angel.
Journalist for L’Evènement du jeudi, Jean-Paul Kauffmann was kidnapped with another French reporter on May 22nd, 1985 in Beirut and held for more than a thousand days by the Islamic Jihad. He was liberated on May 4th, 1988. As a writer, he has published numerous works rewarded by various literary prizes.
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