Mort d'un jardinier
Le narrateur de ce roman s'adresse à un homme au travail dans l'espace clos de son jardin. Un accident cardiaque frappe le jardinier. Dès lors, un flot traverse sa conscience. Images, sons, odeurs, souvenirs, réminiscences littéraires et musicales, sensations, visions se succèdent et s'entremêlent tandis qu'il s'éloigne, au fil du temps et des mots, des êtres qu'il a aimés.
- Vermillon
- Paru le 06/11/2008
- Genre : Littérature française
- 176 pages - 140 x 205 mm
- EAN : 9782710330929
- ISBN : 9782710330929
Foreign Rights
Mort d'un jardinier
Rights sold
Norway (Solum)
A man working in his garden is smitten by a heart attack. A stream of images, sounds, smells, memories, sensations, music and literary recollections goes through his conscioussness while he slowly departs from the world and the people he loves.
Lucien Suel was born in 1948 in the French Flanders where he still lives. Editor of the magazine The Starscrewer, devoted to the Beat Generation
poetry, then of the "dada punk" magazine La Moue du Veau, he runs today the blog Silo and the Station Underground d’Emerveillement Littéraire. He is the author of numerours works of poetry. His first novel, Mort d’un jardinier, was hailed by the critics.
If you are interested in publishing one of our books or wish to receive further information, you can contact:
Anna Vateva, Foreign Rights : + 33 1 40 46 71 02