La patience de Mauricette
Mauricette Beaussart, soixante-quinze ans, a disparu de l'hôpital où l'on soigne sa santé mentale. Son ami Christophe Moreel entreprend de la retrouver. Au fil de sa quête, le passé et le présent de Mauricette s'entrecroisent, tissant peu à peu le portrait d'une femme riche de ses grandes souffrances et de ses petits bonheurs.
- Vermillon
- Paru le 03/09/2009
- Genre : Littérature française
- 240 pages - 140 x 205 mm
- EAN : 9782710331452
- ISBN : 9782710331452
Foreign Rights
La Patience de Mauricette
All rights available
Mauricette Beaussart, 75 years old, has disappeared from the psychiatric hospital where she is treated. Her friend Christophe Moreel undertakes to find the fugitive. During his search, Mauricette’s past and present interwine to draw the portrait of a woman rich of great sufferings and little joys.
Lucien Suel was born in 1948 in the French Flanders where he still lives. Editor of the magazine The Starscrewer, devoted to the Beat Generation poetry, then of the « dada punk » magazine La Moue du Veau, he runs today the blog Silo and the Station Underground d’Emerveillement Littéraire. He is the author of numerours works of poetry. Published at La Table Ronde in
November 2008, his first novel, Mort d’un jardinier, was hailed by the critics.
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