Contes de la rue Broca
Nouvelle édition en 1978
- Hors série reliés
- Paru le 01/01/1967
- Genre : Littérature française
- 224 pages - 150 x 210 mm
- EAN : 9782710300243
- ISBN : 9782710300243
Foreign Rights
Tales of Broca Street
Rights sold
Albania (MCM)
Brazil (Martins Fontes)
Bulgaria (Otechestvo)
China (ThinKingdom)
Czech Republic (Ticha Bizanc)
England (Pushkin Press)
Estonia (Tiritamm)
Germany (Palabros de Cologne)
Greece (Hexagone)
Hungary (Mora Ferenc)
Japan (Iwanami Shoten)
Korea (Bir)
Latvia (Omnia Mea)
Poland (Nasza Ksiegarnia)
Russia (Text)
Spain (Espasa Calpe)
Switzerland (ProLitteris)
Thailand (Butterfly)
Turkey (Kitap Bilisim Iletisim)
Vietnam (The Gioi)
Contes de la rue Broca is a great classic of the French children's literature. With nearly 2 000 000 copies sold in France, it is regularly adapted for theater and included to school reading lists.
The giants, witches and mermaids who leap for its pages are animated by a very modern spirit. Blessed with healthy disrespect for authority, the author plays with the fabulous and takes a great pleasure in upsetting the natural order of the fantastic.
Pierre Gripari (1925-1990) studied at the prestigious Louis-le-Grand lycée, and tried his hand at various jobs, including serving in the army and acting as a trade-union delegate for an oil company. He resigned in 1957 in order to become a writer, but it was not until the 1970s that he became famous, with the publication of his Contes de la rue Broca.
If you are interested in publishing one of our books or wish to receive further information, you can contact:
Anna Vateva, Foreign Rights : + 33 1 40 46 71 02