Chaux vive
S'inspirant très librement d'une récente affaire criminelle, Xavier Patier démonte les mécanismes de la possession, de la folie, de la culpabilité. Cette histoire noire est traversée de singuliers éclats de lumière : une échappée vers la mer, une marche dans la campagne, ou encore l'entêtante mélodie d'une pièce pour piano de Rameau.
- Vermillon
- Paru le 22/08/2012
- Genre : Littérature française
- 192 pages - 140 x 205 mm
- EAN : 9782710369639
- ISBN : 9782710369639
Foreign Rights
Chaux vive
All rights available
Pascal feels very much alone since he has moved to Bordeaux. Alone at university where he studies archeology; alone at church where he goes to mass each evening; alone in the tiny room he rents on the right bank of the Garonne river, an impoverished suburb of Bordeaux.
Aubin, on the other hand, has quite a following. He’s been studying for years, leads a very bourgeois life on the left bank of the Garonne, with his wife and children; he has a whole circle of admirers and an open invitation to all the châteaux of the Medoc wine region.
One day on the campus, Aubin accidently knocks Pascal over, buys him coffee to make up and very soon takes him under his wing. Pascal is an easy prey. Aubin leads him into all sorts of shady business he has going. Pascal is so fascinated, he gradually forgets his family who has gone to many sacrifices in order to pay for his studies. When Marie, Aubin’s wife, comes to see him, Pascal forgets his christian principles and falls in love with her. Henceforth, the trap he has begun to climb into, closes in on him.
Xavier Patier takes his inspiration from a very recent criminal case and delves into the pyschological windings of possession, infatuation and guilt.
Xavier Patier is born in 1958. He is the author of more than fifteen novels published by Gallimard and La Table Ronde. He was awarded the Prix Roger Nimier for his novel Le Silence des termites published in 2009 at La Table Ronde.
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